Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Please read instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Please read instructions - Essay Example Additionally, I learned the way students use the social media as a medium to look for networking for jobs. Most students use the social media by completing their profile for the entire site they join and posting their diverse content online. Here my marketing plan will involve completing my profile for each site that I access. I will also post diverse content on my sire like quotes, recommendation, and things I observed. Another marketing plan is subscribing to follow industry leaders and companies in finance. Subsequently, I will stay posted on the privacy setting and new features on finance (Waldman,  6). Increasingly, I learned the fundamentals and basic of how one needs to use the LinkedIn. LinkedIn site is used in managing the professional identity of a person. The site is a first search result, important to update and use, and quite different from the normal Facebook in terms of their connection and profile management. My marketing plan on this case will involve building my profile and locate internship and entry-level finance jobs on the site. First, I will start networking with my friends and family, and search for common grounds in

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